
Ocean Breeze Cocktail | World Oceans Day

To celebrate World Oceans Day, we’ve created an ocean-themed cocktail. This Ocean Breeze Cocktail is light, refreshing and slightly salty like an ocean breeze. Oceans have a huge impact on us and the planet, so we want to honour them in the best way we know how, with a beverage, of course! This recipe is made with Healthy Hooch Turmeric Sunshine Kombucha. Check out the full recipe below then keep on reading for 10 ways to help save the oceans.

Oceans are intertwined in every aspect of our lives. We seek them for vacations, adventures or choose to live near them so we can marvel at their vast beauty. Oceans enrich our lives, but they contribute so much more than we can see. We depend on them for the air we breathe, climate regulation, transportation, food and the economy.

The oceans we love and rely on are being threatened due to global warming because of human impact. We often assume that because the world is covered with oceans, there is an abundance of them, but that isn’t the case. They are not immune to the actions of humans. That is why today is dedicated to World Oceans Day. The purpose of World Oceans Day is to educate and inform us on how we can sustainably take care of our oceans. They are Earth’s life support system and ours, after all.

the pacific ocean

Ocean Breeze Cocktail


First Layer

Second Layer

glass of ocean breeze cocktail next to a bottle of healthy hooch kombucha


Add a touch of natural blue food colouring to the second layer. We used homemade red cabbage food colouring. Note, it does turn purple when it hits the second layer.


1. Blend 2 oz of Healthy Hooch Turmeric Sunshine Kombucha with ice, 1 oz lime juice, 1 ½ oz tequila, 1 oz orange juice, a pinch of salt and 1 Tbsp agave.
2. Layer into a martini glass about ½ full.
3. Blend the blueberries, ½ ounce triple sec, ice and 3 oz Healthy Hooch Turmeric Sunshine Kombucha. You can optionally add some natural blue food colouring if you would like it to turn out blue. (it will be purple if not).
4. Fill the glass the rest of the way and garnish it with an orange slice.
5. Enjoy!

Atlantic ocean

10 Ways to Help Save the Oceans

1. Reduce Plastic Use

You may have heard of the great pacific garbage patch. It refers to an accumulation of marine debris, mostly made up of plastic, that sits in the North Pacific Ocean. No one knows exactly how much trash makes up the patch, but expeditions found that it covers 1.6 million square kilometres, and there is an estimated 80,000 metric tons of waste. To put that in perspective, it would take 67 ships one year to clean up less than 1% of trash in the pacific ocean.

The problem with plastic is it doesn’t biodegrade. Instead, it breaks down into smaller pieces or microplastics, which wreak havoc on the oceans, harming marine life. That is why it is vital to stop plastic from entering the ocean in the first place.

80% of plastic in the oceans comes from land sources. Human actions like throwing plastic in the bin when it could be recycled, littering or disposing of plastics down the drain are why plastic ends up in the oceans. The first step to ensure plastic stays out of the oceans is to reduce our plastic use. Small changes like bringing a reusable bag when grocery shopping, avoiding single-use plastics like straws and water bottles and purchasing bulk items are a great place to start.

2. Reduce Carbon Footprint

Greenhouse gases and global warming are making our oceans more acidic. What this means is that the PH of the ocean is dropping. If the Ph gets too low, it will begin to dissolve shells and skeletons, affecting coral and shellfish, which are part of the much more extensive food chain we depend on.

Some ways to reduce your carbon footprint include driving less, flying less, eating less meat, wasting less, conserving energy in your home or office, recycling, shopping sustainably and eating organic.

3. Shop Sustainably

Avoid purchasing products that harm the oceans and marine life. Many commercial products harm endangered or threatened species because of ingredients they contain or harmful business practices on the companies part. Support brands that have ethical business practices. Before making a purchase, ensure they are doing their part to minimize waste, pollution, and environmental impact.

4. Choose Sustainable Seafood

Overfishing is one of the most significant issues affecting our oceans. Choosing sustainable seafood helps ensure the species has a long-term future and helps keep the oceans healthy. Some brands have the bluefish sustainable seafood label, or you can check out the Ocean Wise sustainable seafood recommendations.

5. Be Respectful

When you visit the beach or explore the ocean, leave no trace. Take all of your belongings with you, and don’t take anything that belongs there. Removing shells from the beach can damage ecosystems and organisms that rely on them for survival. Be especially careful when visiting reefs. Coral is fragile, and touching, standing on or kicking it can cause damage or even kill them.

6. Join an Ocean Clean Up

Volunteer to join your local ocean clean-up efforts or help clean up the beaches while you’re on vacation. If you don’t live close to the ocean, cleaning up rivers, lakes, channels, and ditches also helps. Trash can make its way into the ocean from other water sources.

7. Travel Responsibly

Never touch or ride wildlife. Many marine species, like manta rays, have a protective layer on their skin, and when it is touched by a human hand, it can cause contamination. This then leads to infection and can cause death. Be sure to book with reputable companies that have the oceans and marine animal’s welfare in mind.

tropical coral reef

8. Use Reef-safe Sunscreen

Sunscreen contains the chemical oxybenzone, which is what helps protect skin from UV damage. The problem is that it has the opposite effect on coral. It has a bleaching effect on the coral and disrupts its growth cycle. When you enter the water with sunscreen on, those chemicals are left behind. Instead, opt for reef-safe sunscreens that are made with natural UV protectants.

9. Educate Yourself and Others

Continue to educate yourself on issues affecting the oceans. Then take what you learn and tell others. If everyone makes small changes every day, it has a huge impact.

10. Explore the Oceans

Explore the oceans and all of the beauty they have to offer. It will make you feel more connected and better understand why we truly can’t live without them.

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